Protecting the Sandlands

I have recently become a trustee of the Blaxhall Commons and Open Spaces Charitable Trust, which exists to protect the beautiful green spaces in and around the village of Blaxhall which form the backdrop to my story collection, ‘Sandlands’, and from which it takes its name.

 The Trust was founded in 2015. It aims to “advance the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment in Blaxhall” in all its beauty and biodiversity and to “preserve and protect the rights of access and use to the Blaxhall Commons and Open Spaces for all residents and visitors”.

Its particular focus is the areas of common land in and around the village which afford refuge to a rich variety of wildlife and over which local people and the public in general have traditionally enjoyed access for recreation. The Trust not only seeks to protect these precious spaces from encroaching development but also to take an active part in their maintenance as rich, diverse natural habitats and as places to find tranquillity, for example by organising litter-pickups or by assisting the Suffolk Wildlife Trust in its conservation work on Blaxhall Great Common.

Blaxhall Common photo

To read more about the work of the Blaxhall Commons and Open Spaces Charitable Trust, visit its website or Facebook page. Or why not support the work of the Trust by becoming a member or making a donation?