The Tapestry of Love
Hardback July 2010; paperback October 2010
A rural idyll: that’s what Catherine Parkstone is seeking when she sells her house in England and moves to a tiny hamlet in the Cévennes mountains. Divorced and with her children grown, she is free to make a new start, and set up in business as a seamstress. But this is a harsh and lonely place when you’re no longer just on holiday, and Catherine finds herself with unexpected battles to fight. French bureaucracy, the mountain weather, the reserve of her neighbours – and most unsettling of all, her own fascination with the intriguing Patrick Castagnol.
The Tapestry of Love is the story of how a woman falls in love with a place and its people: a portrait of landscape, a community and a fragile way of life.
“…wise, warm, rich and immensely satisfying”
– Vulpes Libris
“Rosy Thornton’s endearing novel about a middle-aged woman’s French odyssey is the nearest thing to meeting a whole new set of friends… learning about their lives, their loves, their hopes and their fears. With her gentle and understated prose, playful humour and charming and affectionate portrayal of our laid back neighbours, Thornton provides a delightful snapshot of the French way of life and the universal emotions… The secret of Thornton’s success is her ability to tap into the concerns of real people and build up a story and a dialogue that is both credible and entertaining. An intelligent and warm-hearted read.” – Lancashire Evening Post
“A charming tale. The settings are dreamy, the pace equally so, and one is carried, drawn, enviously and inescapably into her life. Marvellous.” – Sevenoaks Life
“The vivid description of the beautiful surroundings, combined with a host of believable characters, make this a charming and enjoyable read that is sure to encourage and resonate with many.” – Living France
“This gently unfolding story… is testimony to falling in love with life in the French mountains” – France Magazine
“Poignant and beautifully observed” – Judith Lennox
“The book will inspire and enthral… Highly recommended.” – Adèle Geras
“I was blown away by The Tapestry of Love. It is superlatively well written – I didn’t find one sentence I could improve on. It is also unflinchingly honest and brave. I loved the adherence to the notion that character is plot and the best kind of plot. It is a picture of a woman’s life and the life of a community… Catherine reminded me of the heroines of my beloved classics, who do the right thing and suffer their misfortunes with quiet dignity… My novel of the year.” – Linda Gillard
“The Tapestry of Love by Rosy Thornton is… beautifully written, building a sensuous picture of the Cévennes, from the dampness of granite flagstones, to the ‘layer upon layer of blue mountain silhouettes, fading into bluer skies’…” – Deborah Lawrenson
“What a gem of a book this is… I loved the vivid descriptions of the scenery, I could almost picture her little house on the side of the mountain with the rain lashing down and the beautiful views… I liked the way each chapter had a title… giving a flavour of what was to come in each neat, precise and short chapter. This is a feel good book, gentle, quaint and full of real characters and I loved it! I was sorry to finish it and leave Catherine and her mountains behind. A perfect book for whiling away a sunny afternoon in the garden.” – Carole’s Book Corner
“We are in the Cévennes, a remote and rugged mountain region in the centre of France, and… from page one, we are plunged into this strange, beautiful but fierce landscape in a strongly visual way. The transhumance comes around and around, to mark the passage of the seasons, and the sense of assimilation into a place and a culture, in this beguiling and beautiful novel… There is the joy of the landscape – beautiful but wild, difficult, hard, with its extremes of weather, shifts in mood, light and shadow as the sun barely lifts itself above the mountains. The description of it is full of detail that is almost panoramic: colour, contour, climate, plants, animals and terrain. Rosy’s knowledge and deep love for this landscape and its active participation almost as another character are part of the reason The Tapestry of Love is, in my opinion, her best novel yet… With each one, her voice and her art have become more confident and assured. There is emotional intelligence and empathy in the writing, combined with shafts of humour and a lightness of touch… She has taken the risk of describing a landscape and a community that is entirely and spectacularly unique and all-encompassing, has succeeded in weaving a story through it that is rooted in it and worthy of it, and in doing so, has written a novel that is wise, warm, rich and immensely satisfying.” – Vulpes Libris
“I feel as though I’ve spent the last few days on holiday in France, so vividly does Rosy Thornton describe the landscape of the Cévennes and the mountain hamlet of La Grelaudière in her new novel The Tapestry of Love. It shows a great sense of place and a feel for the area and its people. This is a sensuous book with – as you might expect from a novel set in France – food a significant ingredient, and that’s something I love to read about in fiction. Rosy is such an easy writer to read – relaxed, fluent, intelligent, she tells her stories with natural grace and in doing so she ‘simply’ entertains you. Her characters are human, their predicaments believable, and although the protagonists have downs as well as ups, the reader knows they are in safe hands. Put all that together and this warm, romantic novel is a treat.” – Cornflower
“Rosy Thornton really ought to be known to a much wider audience… On paper, her books are classified as romances, and on one level they are. But they have an ethical depth to them that transcends genre, in which her characters are continually pondering what constitutes a good life, how virtue might be made livable, how to reconcile urgent personal desires with the sacrifices demanded by children, work and the wider family. Her latest novel, The Tapestry of Love, is no different… There’s always a great core of strength at the heart of Rosy’s novels and this comes from her celebration of love over the false friends that are need, desire, lust and romance. Unlike other genre writers, who turn love into Sturm und Drang or emotional pyrotechnics, Rosy portrays love more realistically (and therefore surprisingly), as presence, awareness, mindfulness, and also as acceptance of people exactly as they are. This makes her books reassuringly, resolutely real and immensely comforting. The Tapestry of Love is about the gentle warp and weft of relationships, the tracing of a thousand threads of attachment into patterns that please and console. In this way it’s a novel that leaves the romance genre some way behind, and deserves a categorization all of its own.” – Tales From the Reading Room
“It’s that time of year again, the papers are full of summer reading suggestions. Well, everyone can stop talking about it now, because I think I’ve just found the perfect summer book… This book isn’t just another English-woman-struggles-with-French-life novel. Rosy Thornton instead makes Catherine’s occasional travails humorous without mocking anyone, and the result is a warm, affectionate, and gentle story that manages to be simple and easy to read without insulting anyone’s intelligence… Yes, perfect summer reading. A simple, straight-forward story, but written so very well. It’s gentle and lovely but still compelling… and what’s more, it’s made me want to keep bees.” –Other Stories
“Bittersweet tale of a divorcee starting a new life in the French countryside… Makes for a slightly different take and if you are a fan of the genre then this would be very much at home in your library. Nice balance of comedy and darker elements.” – Scott Pack
“The Tapestry of Love is a sweet, uncomplicated book, beyond the complications necessary to provide just the right amount of frisson necessary to an interesting read… In her fourth novel, Rosy Thornton eases us into an easy, graceful journey of transition and change. A 21st century Aga saga. And we don’t mind one bit.” – January Magazine
“Catherine is a wonderful character and well written. She stayed with me after I finished the book – that’s always the test of a really good character… ‘A Year in Provence’ tempted a lot of people to move to the area and is credited by some with the start of the tourist boom which ruined the region for those who lived there. ‘The Tapestry of Love’ will not do the same to the Cévennes. The beauty is there and the grandeur of the landscape but there’s realism in the picture… You might have guessed by now that I really enjoyed the book. 4.5/5 stars.” – The Bookbag
“I spent a very happy afternoon last week reading this book and since then I have been thinking about it and mulling over in my mind what I would write when it came to posting about The Tapestry of Love. The word that kept popping up all the time was ‘quiet’. It is a quiet book, a book that left me feeling very calm and happy and satisfied. I would like to assure any prospective readers that we are not in the milieu of A Year in Provence in Cévennes. No madly overdrawn caricatured French peasants… just real people who, like Catherine, we get to know slowly and gently and with growing warmth. No plot give aways as I want you to read this book for yourself… I just want to concentrate on Rosy Thornton’s writing which I found easy to read, elegant and beautifully flowing, and also her sense of understanding. When you read a book such as this you want to immediately sling a bag into the back of a car and take off… Beautifully done. As I said, a quiet book. I loved it.” – Random Jottings of a Book and Opera Lover
“There’s so much to enjoy in this book. Catherine is a sympathetic character and I loved all the detail of her life in La Grelaudière… Catherine’s friendships with her neighbours are so realistic. This is not a novel in the posh-Londoner-goes-native-in-France-or-Italy-with-comical-villagers style. Catherine’s tact and her obvious talent with the needle are crucial in making a success of her new life. The steps by which Madame Bouschet and Madame Parkstone become Marie-Josèphe and Catherine, true friends, are portrayed with almost Victorian restraint and delicacy. Catherine’s relationship with Patrick is similarly restrained… It’s like a slow medieval dance, coming together then moving apart. The Tapestry of Love is a really satisfying book… I’m pleased to be able to recommend it so highly.” – I Prefer Reading
“It’s very good. Just the sort of book to read in a deck chair on a hot summer’s day – with or without – a bottle of wine.” – Jilly Sheep
“While reading this book I felt I was living in France. It’s such a treat to read what you might call ‘light literature for intelligent readers’ that I’m already seeking out Rosy Thornton’s earlier books and looking forward to the next one. Highly recommended for summer reading.” – Life Must be Filled Up
“This is a quiet, deeply-experienced novel. There is grief, sadness and regret but also joy in Catherine’s growing appreciation of her place in the landscape, its tastes, smells, sounds and its traditions. And there’s also humour, from Catherine’s exasperations with French bureaucracy to the eccentricities of some of the locals. But this is no Peter-Mayle-type English patronisation of the ‘funny French’. There is warmth and understanding of the lifestyle. The evocative descriptions of autumn rain in the woods, the unfurling trees in spring, the drone of bees, the making of honey, the heart-stopping glimpse of a wild boar and her family, the invigorating, yet exhausting slog driving sheep up to their summer grazing, all reveal a novelist at the height of her powers. It’s subtle and deeply-felt and a joy from start to finish.” – The Elephant in the Writing Room
“The thing I loved about this novel (and Rosy Thornton’s other two novels as well) is the way she can take an everyday sort of life and expand it into a wonderful, meaningful story. After all, Catherine isn’t all that different from me, really – she has grown children she misses, an ailing mum she worries about, an avocation turning into a career. Yet in Thornton’s hands, Catherine’s story becomes compelling and thought provoking. I think it’s Thornton’s intimate writing style, the perfect amount of attention to the small detail, and her deft characterizations that make her novels such a joy to read.” – Bookstack
“What I found so enjoyable about the novel – apart, obviously, from the twists and turns of the relationships – was the way Rosy Thornton dealt with Catherine’s experiences of her solitary life in the French mountains… Will she stick it out? Or will it just be a temporary experience to be notched up and treasured? Read it and find out.” – Harriet Devine’s Blog
“There are very few times I can remember where I’ve actively prolonged reading a book by putting it down at intervals and resorting to other things, just to make it last. I couldn’t help myself with The Tapestry of Love, a new book by author Rosy Thornton. I sincerely tried to draw the experience out for as long as I could, but alas, all wonderful reads must come to an end. Usually, the lead protagonists in a novel are the main focus, but here, they share top billing with the house, the gardens, the weather, the woods, farms and animals and even the mountains themselves. Beautifully written, Rosy Thornton again delivers a story rich in detail, not only in its character development, but in setting as well. I was caught up in Catherine’s world, enough so that I too caught a whiff of jasmine on that hillside. The Tapestry of Love is highly recommended. It is exactly what my father meant when he told me years ago, that reading a good book transports you to anywhere in the world. I did not want to come home.” –Bookishly Attentive
“It really is one of those books that just flows through you and urges you to keep going until the end. First off I expected romance to be the dominating theme – how wrong I was. This book is much, much more than a romance. It’s a journey of finding oneself, at a point in life where you imagine to already have done so. It deals with family ties, the pangs of absence and the wonderfully tentative beginnings of new love. It’s a perfect book to take with you on holiday, forget the trashy romances that’ll be forgotten the next day. Rosy’s book, Catherine’s story will stay with you long after the holiday has finished.” – To Stalk a Publisher
“What an extremely pleasant read I had, walking along through the world of Rosy Thornton’s story, The Tapestry of Love. This story is about life, relationships, and finding your own place amongst it all. Catherine is a lovable character and there were moments when my heart broke for her as I felt for her quiet strength. I enjoyed the images of the rolling countryside of the south of France that went through my mind and I eagerly hopped onto the Internet to Google les Cévennes. This was my first Rosy Thornton novel, and I shan’t expect it to be my last.” – Coffee and a Book Chick
“Everything about ‘The Tapestry Of Love’ hits exactly the right note. From the beautiful evocation of the French setting to the skilfully drawn characters, it all works together to make a whole that kept me turning the pages until well after midnight. All the characters are real, rounded and sympathetic… Rosy Thornton has convincingly portrayed the initially awkward, but increasingly warm, encounters between Catherine and the new community she finds herself living among in France whilst also mapping the changing sands of her relationships with those she has left at home… I recommend this book highly. I loved it.” –Bookersatz
“The Tapestry of Love is a delicious read. I fell into its pages as into a cool stream on a hot day. Thornton’s sense of place is impeccable, as are her descriptions of the art of needlepoint and the journey of a woman going inside herself to find the strengths that lie there. It is lilting and lovely, and just the thing to read when one has escape in mind.” – Charlotte’s Web
“I’ve never been to the Cévennes, but the mountains, remote hamlets and picturesque villages are described so vividly I could easily build a picture of the area in my mind. I very much enjoyed spending time with Catherine and her neighbours. If you’re interested in France, needlework, nature or good food, or if you’re simply looking for an absorbing and well-written story with likeable, believable characters, you should find plenty here to keep you happy.” – She Reads Novels
“The Tapestry of Love is a beautiful book and a delight to read. It’s a gentle book and yet it’s about the drama of real life, its joys and tragedies… There is so much I love in this book. Rosy has a talent for portraying relationships – not just between Patrick and the sisters, but also between the sisters and their mother, and how they cope with their mother’s illness, between Catherine and her grown-up children and between Catherine and her ex-husband… I also loved Rosy’s descriptions – of the tapestries as Catherine conceives and makes them and of the wild and desolate landscape which forms the backdrop of daily life in Le Grelaudière As I read on I wished I could be there. It is a moving story full of wisdom and one I shall re-read.” – Books Please
“I just finished reading The Tapestry of Love. I love it. Adore it. I’m completely in love with this book and everyone in it. I read it slowly… I wanted, needed, to savour every delicious detail. In fact, in the final chapters I found myself slowing down even further, trying to put off the inevitable. The quietness in the mountains filled me and stayed with me between chapters. I can still hear it now. And the quiet reserved courage of Catherine and the people of the small community is still with me too. I fell in love with Catherine, and with her closest neighbours, old Monsieur and Madame Bouschet. There are moments of dignified yet powerful sadness in this story. One of them, a brief private scene of such touching simplicity its strength is overwhelming, had me in tears… And in the end, after the sadnesses, there is quiet joy. I love this book so much. It’s the most beautiful novel I’ve read in many years.” – David Bridger’s Journal
“‘The Tapestry of Love’ was a real pleasure to read. The storytelling is strong, the situation is interesting, and the characters are engaging… One of the pleasures of the book lies in the quiet, thoughtful nature of Catherine’s character as she tries to find her way toward a completely new kind of life. The setting is another source of pleasure – the mountains are beautiful, and it’s enjoyable to read about Catherine’s walks through the woods and her drives up and down twisty mountain roads. And I enjoyed the book for a picture of a dying way of life… This was a satisfying read, and if you like thoughtful, well-written, quiet types of books, I can recommend it.” – Of Books and Bicycles
“I loved Rosy Thornton’s book and devoured it in one sitting. As a reader, I felt completely involved in Catherine’s brave move to the Cévennes mountains. Rosy Thornton’s use of descriptive language is simply excellent; I could picture Catherine’s new home and surroundings so vividly, I felt as though I were actually there… I do have to warn you though, this book will make you very hungry! There are so many beautiful descriptions of mouth watering food, from wild boar stew to fresh baguettes adorned with local goat’s cheese. I loved this element of the book and how detailed it was. I would highly recommend ‘The Tapestry of Love’, Rosy Thornton’s writing draws you in and it is a lovely way to while away an afternoon.” – Scribbles
“The Tapestry of Love is a beautifully crafted book, eloquent and quiet in how it creeps up on you. Rosy Thornton’s descriptions are vivid in their eloquence, each word and phrase is measured and certain… The movement of rural life and the forging of bonds between the characters is captured with an eye for authenticity. Local folklore and the more universal issues of life, love and death are contained here… This tale takes unexpected paths at times, and just when you think that nothing has really been happening you realise that all is somehow different… This reader thoroughly enjoyed the experience and gave a satisfied sigh as that final page turned.” – Book Club Forum
“The Tapestry of Love is a delightful new novel by Rosy Thornton… It weaves a charming portrait of a woman’s life, of a place she choose to live and comes to love, and of the relationships which make her days meaningful.” – Just Really Great Books
“It’s in writing that Thornton excels. She has chosen a relaxing story for which she can concentrate more on that often recounted point “don’t tell, show” and goes into meticulous detail about Catherine’s location so that it’s impossible not to be able to imagine it perfectly. The book is slow moving, the kind of slowness that enables you to feel you can really spend your time on it and take it all in…You’re very much permitted to pull up a chair to the table of Patrick Castagnol and nibble at the cheese provided with homemade wine.” – The Worm Hole
“The writing is warm and gentle and Thornton’s observations on the French surroundings are beautiful. It makes you see the good and the bad of life in small settlements in France and the constant push and pull between romanticism and harsh bureaucratic reality is not only expressed in the novel, but also the predominant feeling I took away from the book while reading it.” – Iris on Books
“Rosy Thornton’s writing… is elegant and evocative and elliptical… The book is far less about Catherine’s romance with her dark and handsome neighbor… and more about her romance with the south of France. Thornton makes even me, a girl who cannot be bothered with nature except in very very small doses, want to go live in the south of France and see deer and wild boars.” – Jenny’s Books
“Thornton shares her love affair with us of the Cévennes, in all of its manifestations in each season and each change of light, and of her desire to capture its beauty in her art… This book is not only about a love affair with a person; it is also – and perhaps more so – about the love the character develops for the setting, and the simple, sincere, and good-hearted souls who populate the small mountain area… The tapestry she weaves of the view she sees out her window is truly a tapestry of love.” – Rhapsody in Books
“As soon as I started reading this book, I slowed down. I took my time because the author took me on a journey to a beautiful mountain area of France, the Cévennes. Her description of the area made me feel as if I were there. I honestly could see the stone buildings, the vegetation, the footpaths, the roads, the sky, well, all of it.And then, I enjoyed getting to know the main character… One aspect of Catherine’s character I really liked is her artistry… As I continued to read the story I saw that the tapestry Catherine is creating with cloth and yarn is like the tapestry of her new life. She has a rough idea of what she wants her life to look like and she has selected a few of the silk threads, so to speak, that will outline her new life. As she settles in and begins living in the Cévennes, the rest of the picture gradually emerges…
Rosy Thornton knows how to create good characters. All of her people were ones I liked spending time with. Between the characters, the story’s setting, and the author’s attention to daily details, this was a wonderful visit with a new friend. I highly recommend it to you.” – Joyfully Retired
“The Tapestry of Love… is a novel that is interested in showing romance growing in the lives of real characters in the middle of lives preoccupied with other important aspects of life… It’s very relaxing and entertaining to read. It’s also smarter and more observant of the details of human interactions than that line might suggest. Rosy Thornton uses such a subtle, natural touch when she writes her characters and the world they live in, that the result feels emotionally real.
The landscape around Catherine’s cottage and the descriptions of the seasons adds a rich feeling of sensory detail to the novel. And the sensory detail extends into the descriptions of the tapestries Catherine produces, the meals she eats and the animals she sees around her cottage… Thornton’s remote France is a comforting place to spend hours, because of all the thick smells, tastes and weather she writes into the location, which wrap around you as you read.
‘The Tapestry of Love’ is not like a lot of books about English people moving to a foreign country… It lays out the contents of Catherine’s small adventure and lets the reader decide for themselves that it is exciting to watch a gentle, thoughtful person’s life unfold before them. If you’re in the mood for some kind, but robust and sensible fiction about moving on, making new connections and starting again in a foreign country then I’d recommend investigating this novel.” – Book Gazing
“It’s the sort of book you need to spend time with, curl up in a favourite chair, cup of tea in hand, and disappear into for a few hours.” – Teabelly
“An absorbing read… With exquisite attention to detail, like her heroine, Rosy Thornton writes well and movingly about family relationships, loss and love in this ultimately uplifting novel.” – Susie Vereker
“The novel demands to be read at leisure, with feet up, and time available to appreciate the beauty of the location and the writing itself. Rosy chooses each word with care, such that no others could be substituted: le mot juste, I believe is the phrase… I closed the book and felt enormously satisfied; the ending was just as it should be.” – Mum’s Gone To…
“It was warm, comforting, and homey, and the prose was beautiful without ever jarring me. I love Rosy Thornton’s writing. I adored it in ‘Crossed Wires’, which was one of my favorite books from last year and which I loved even more on reread this year, and I knew it would be the same in her other books… I found everything I expected: beautiful language, a complete immersion into the setting, and characters so real they feel like people, not fiction. She knows exactly how much detail to put in, without overloading the reader or trying to describe every single thing. She paints a picture – a touch of color here, another touch there – and lets your mind fill in the rest. Then there were the characters. The characters make this story… The things that happen to the characters here are things that happen in real life… It was wonderful.” – The Zen Leaf
“…the characters seem very real and the plot unfolds at a good pace. It’s a fairly gentle novel but is packed with excellent descriptions of life in rural France as seen by an English woman on her own. This is the sort of book that would make ideal holiday reading – especially if you’re visiting France.” – British Expat
“A light but very well-written book… Read The Tapestry of Love next time you are looking for something to make you feel good.” – So Many Books
“This book was gorgeously descriptive. From the first chapter, I was riveted on the scenery playing out in my mind… I never knew my senses could be stimulated by words so richly.” – Average Jane’s Book Reviews
“I thoroughly enjoyed The Tapestry of Love. It is a relaxing, gentle, unrushed read, comfortable and light, easy to read, yet well-written and far from insulting the reader’s intelligence…Neither would I classify the book as romance. Yes, there is a romantic thread in the story, but to me that was only a minor part of the book. The story was engaging, the characters and the tiny village of La Grelaudière were brought to life in a wonderful way with an eye for detail. Rosy’s descriptions of life in the mountain village, a life that is at times hard and uncertain, were among my favorite parts of the book… For me, The Tapestry of Love was the perfect light read, great for a vacation or a rainy weekend.” – The Armenian Odar Reads
“The Tapestry of Love is a beautiful story. There is such a warmth to Ms. Thornton’s writing. The landscape seems to jump right off the page at you and at times you expect to find yourself there in France with the characters. What I loved most about this book was that it didn’t have to rely on the outrageous or extraordinary to engage the reader. This is a book that takes the simple pleasures and realities of everyday life and spins them into a wonderful story. It relies on the intricacies and honesty of relationships between family, friends and neighbours to move the story and bring out emotion in the reader. Reading this book is like breathing in the fresh mountain air of France. This is the type of book you want to curl up with on a weekend when you can devote your time and attention to getting lost in a story and a dream.” – Curled Up With a Good Book and a Cup of Tea
“Perfect light holiday reading or for when you just want to escape somewhere different and dream.” – Pining for the West
“The Tapestry of Love is a charming novel that makes you ache to visit the Cévennes mountains. The descriptions of the landscapes and the food and the culture are just so evocative… Rosy Thornton’s storytelling is languid and endearing, making this a most relaxing read of the best possible kind.” – Reading is My Superpower
“This book is super-delightful… charming.” – Confessions of a Bookaholic
“Every once in a while you find a book which is like a cool pool of water on a long, hot summer’s day, the kind in which you can immerse yourself with a blissful sigh, secure in the knowledge that you can bask to your heart’s content. Tapestry of Love is one of those books, total pleasure from start to finish… Catherine rapidly becomes like an old friend to the reader – she’s sensible, mature, she copes with loneliness without falling apart, she makes rational decisions – in short, she’s good company, and the people she mixes with in her new home are pleasant and interesting too. It’s refreshing, a story about people with generosity of spirit… There’s something in Thornton’s writing that gets under the skin. There’s a strong sense of place here, and of history of place: you are aware as you read of the continuity of care for the land, and of its past as hunting forest – a real evocation of the Cévennes countryside.” – Geranium Cat’s Bookshelf
“While she can write gruff but lovable farmers and descriptions of market day with the best of them, Thornton is casting a much wider net. With the convincingly human and likeable Catherine at its centre, the book’s scope expands to cover a wide range of experience. Relationships with neighbours, parents, children, sisters, lovers and even ex-husbands are all touched upon with a sure feeling for real affection in all its messy complexity. There is romance here, but it’s presented as part and parcel of a broader look at the many different currents of emotional connection which make up everyone’s lives… With its expansive and generous characterisation and detailed evocative prose, this is Rosy Thornton’s best and most rounded book so far.” – For Books’ Sake
“Thornton’s gentle wisdom, empathetic nature, and sense of humor, as well as her awareness of how complicated humans and their relationships are, shine through… This is a book that will tempt you to sell everything and go live in France. Thornton makes the landscape, the way of life, and the people all so tantalizing. Ultimately, it’s a perfect book to curl up with by the fire.” –Telecommuter Talk
“Rosy Thornton’s latest novel, ‘The Tapestry of Love’, is a beautifully written story of love, family ties, friendship, and new beginnings. It is a wonderfully slow-paced novel that perfectly mirrors the ‘never in a hurry’ attitude of life in rural France. It takes its time and meanders in the same way that paths along the hillsides of La Grelaudière slowly make their way to the hilltops. It’s a book to savor and enjoy as Thornton lovingly and vividly describes the landscape, cuisine, and people of the Cévennes… This beautifully written novel lets the reader see that life is constantly weaving a tapestry of color, richness, and things unexpected into our lives. It is a book to be given to people you love, to be re-read and savored. Francophiles will appreciated Rosy Thornton’s details of French rural life, and anyone who has ever dreamed of starting over, will find hope and inspiration.” – Andrea Ruiz on Suite 101
“This is a delightful book.” – Book Bird Dog
“A book to be savoured… This isn’t a mere escapist fantasy; it is a story of deep and complex emotions – of love and of loss.” – Birds on the Blog
“A wonderful story, written like a beautiful painting… Each chapter was a delight to read and I often found myself saying ‘just one more page.’ A book I would fully recommend as the winter nights take over…” – Novel Kicks
“Thornton has a way of writing about the inexplicable draw places have on us that doesn’t feel cheap or fake or forced… The title may suggest ‘chick-lit’, but it has this richness that isn’t normally found in chick-lit and I certainly wouldn’t classify it in that way. It’s a story that made me want to slow down and not pay attention to the clock.” – Ardent Reader
“This is a delightful and enjoyable novel about family, friendship, love and new beginnings. It is also about the fragile beauty of a place and way of life. I enjoyed the way that Ms Thornton portrayed the relationships in this novel, and I loved her descriptions of the landscape in the Cévennes. The seasons of the mountains provided their own chronology for various events in the lives of the characters and Catherine’s tapestries also formed a partial metaphor for her new life: bringing together fabric, colour and idea to create something new, or to repair something old.” – Words in Flight
“This was a great read, with a believable storyline and an ending that is happy without being overdone. Between the people and the scenery, there’s a lot to love.” – Confessions of a Bibliophile
“This is a lovely, heartwarming story set in the idyllic Cévennes mountains. Rosy Thornton brings out the reality and romance of living in the French countryside – the solitude and the friendships that take shape… This was a poignant, heartwarming, leisurely story… about growing, accepting and starting over. I enjoyed the writing very much and look forward to reading more books by Rosy Thornton.” – BookPleasures
“This is the second novel I have read by Rosy Thornton, and I have now resolved to buy the two which I have not yet read. I love the way that the author creates very believable characters, who I really felt that I got to know… The interplay between the various characters was entirely believable, and the writing flowed easily. I genuinely found this book hard to put down.” – Between the Pages
Despite the fact that the plot is a good one, The Tapestry of Love is not really about the plot… It’s about neighbors and how they can ingrain themselves into your life, and it’s about the importance of family and true friends… I would recommend this to anyone looking for a story that reflects on the things that are really important to one’s well being in life, a story that is removed from the hustle and bustle of ordinary life.” – The Book Chick
This story is beautiful. It is rich in life… Accuracy is the wrong word… completeness is better… depth is a big part of it. Several times I felt that ‘yes that’s exactly how it is!’. I could use all those clichés of ’emotional roller coaster’ and ‘compelling read’ but this was like those evenings when you have friends round and you keep chatting because you haven’t finished exploring the conversation yet… I would rate this book as good as any book I have read in any genre.” – Our Book Reviews Online
“The story is about Catherine, a woman in her 40s who sells her house in England and moves to a rural farmhouse in the mountains of France… In the process of the book, Catherine addresses her feelings about romance, her feelings toward her sister, and her feelings about her mother’s death. All of these inward journeys – as well as Catherine’s retreat to the country – resonated so strongly with me that each day I looked forward to getting into bed where I could read my way back into Les Fenils, Catherine’s house… The passages about an adult, single woman dealing with her Mom’s death brought my breath up short in their accuracy. So if you’re in the mood to be touched by the power of solitude, peek a little at some romance, and just enjoy a lovely story, do pick up a copy of Thornton’s newest novel. And if you can, I recommend you read it at your own little place of retreat.” – Andi Lit
“You can’t always judge a book by its title. The publisher did this one an injustice in the blurb making it seems as though the romance was the central story. What Thornton wrote is a novel about a woman transitioning from one stage of her adulthood to another. It is not a love story in the strictest sense of the word, but a story about the many loves that surround us – love of self, love for family, love for community, and, yes, love of a partner. I found the book charming. The descriptions of the Cévennes region of France evoked a slowed down, quiet pace of life that I found myself envying… The resolution is one that I think is more realistic and less simplistic than a lot of love stories turn out to be. Which is just fine by me.” – Book Addict’s Book Reviews
“I loved reading about St Julien and imagine myself walking down those roads not to mention eating all the food mentioned. For me this was a lovely read and it definitely left me with a taste to read more of the same.” – Aneca’s World
“The Tapestry of Love is a deceptively quiet novel about independence and the realization that it’s never too late to go for one’s dreams.” – Bookfan
“How I enjoyed reading about Catherine’s caring of her new home and making herself part of the community. I found her relationship with her… neighbors… so touching because they went from neighbors, to business partners, to true friends there for one another in times of need. Just like the other novels by Rosy Thornton that I’ve read what stands out the most for me is that the people feel real. Relationships can be messy but here the characters grow and move on. It was a delight to spend time with this book… This was the first book I read this year and it was a balm during the crazy holiday season. So settle down with a cup of tea and enjoy this one.” – Bookgirl’s Nightstand
“This is a charming story of a woman on a mission to build a life of her own. A quote from the Guardian on the back cover really says it all. Thornton ‘is skilled at drawing out the poignancy of ordinary life.’… The fabulous setting of France is also a plus.” – Reader for Life
“Reading The Tapestry of Love is like looking at a beautiful and haunting painting and trying to find the words to describe the familiar feeling it gives, as well as the enjoyment it brings.” – Luxury Reading
“Another wonderful light read, perfect for a cold weekend when I was holed up with bronchitis! I loved Catherine as a character. She just seems so comfortable in her own skin—there’s a graciousness and ease about her that made her a pleasant person to spend time with. Another pleasure of the book is the sense of place. There are long, loving descriptions of the French landscape and of Catherine’s gradual discovery of all the visual and culinary pleasures her new home can provide. But what was especially enjoyable was seeing how finding her place enabled Catherine to find herself. The places where we live shape who we are, and Catherine has found a place that seems to be shaping her into the person she wants to be… As a book about people finding home and becoming who they want to be (and eating excellent food), it’s terrific.” – Shelf Love
“I loved the story – with nuances of rural French life, with the trials and day to day happenings of a rural community where life revolves around the seasons, the sheep, the goats and things happening to a timetable and a pattern unchanged through centuries. This was such a happy book to read – the spirit of quiet happiness, contentment and joy seeps through at every turn and one in turn is happy for everyone who appears in the book… An amazing unputdownable book. A must read.” – Mystica
“Reminiscent of Under the Tuscan Sun, this is just one of those books you savor. You sit on the veranda with a cool drink, or by the fire with a warm one. This is not a rushing river of story, it’s a meandering stream. You don’t read it trying to find the ultimate purpose or plot, you simply read it to enjoy your visit with Catherine… Rosy Thornton has a beautiful, lyrical way of writing. This was a charming journey of discovery.” – 2 Kids and Tired Book Reviews
“Thornton weaves a tapestry of lives, loves and family in this wonderful story. If you’re looking for a novel to while away the hours on a quiet Sunday afternoon then I highly recommend you treat yourself to a copy of The Tapestry of Love by Rosy Thornton. I’m awarding it with 5 stars and look forward to reading it all over again.” – – Blue Archipelago Reviews
“Thornton creates a rounded set of characters to interact with Catherine and bring out some of her best traits, including generosity and compassion… The Tapestry of Love is a novel about living one’s dreams, making new friends, and enjoying life. While there is romance, a love triangle, divorce, and other typical “women’s fiction” topics, Rosy Thornton takes these topics and makes them new… Her prose is engaging and detailed, weaving a tapestry of community that readers will want to immerse themselves in for hours.” – Savvy Verse and Wit
“This delightful tale is a total submersion into a life that is altogether different, the French country way of life, slow, sweet and sometimes stingingly sad… Love, life, language tangles, the usual fight with the creaking bureaucratic machine all set amongst stunning scenery. If this sounds like your glass of wine, curl up and enjoy it.” – French Vie – French Life
“The Tapestry of Love is an eloquent, quietly paced novel about following your heart and your dreams and that taking the risk in making changes can lead to amazing experiences… The characters were endearing and had a strong sense of authenticity as you learn about their lives and their friendships with Catherine… Ms. Thornton describes the beauty of the French countryside in a quiet warm pace that is perfect for this novel. It encourages you as a reader to slow down, savor the developing story and you just may want to brew a cup of tea or pour a glass of French wine as you’re reading. I appreciated the strength and elegance of Thornton’s writing as she weaves a tapestry of words into a beautiful novel.” – Redlady’s Reading Room
“Rosy Thornton has written the most beautiful book.” – Cheryl’s Book Nook.
“Like the tapestries Catherine weaves, Thornton takes all the exquisite colors of the French countryside and Catherine’s life, and creates a stunning representation of one woman’s existence filled with the subtle dramas and grace that we all hope to capture in our own lives… It was just the type of read that I could relax into and I grew to love the time I spent with this story… I was so enthralled with this book… A great and gentle read. Recommended!” – Raging Bibliomania
“I enjoyed this book immensely. The writing has a wonderful depth, subtlety and a beautiful narrative style. It was positively enchanting.” – Fembat Unhinged
“I loved this book. I really enjoyed reading it and savored it… The writing and descriptions are beautiful and I felt like I was there in France with Catherine… Highly Recommended. I can’t wait to read more books by this author.” – A Book Lover
“This really is such a beautifully written book: the type that transports you into it, and leaves you a little bewildered at coming back to reality when you close it. It’s both enjoyable and uplifting, even worth renting a cottage for in the middle of French nowhere, just to immerse yourself in it completely and enjoy it to its fullest.” – Girly Scribbles’ Book Reviews
“I found reading The Tapestry of Love similar to taking a long, leisurely walk on a beautiful day in a rural, mostly uninhabited area… Author Rosy Thornton’s writing is thoughtful and draws us in, keeping the story flowing at a leisurely, steady pace…The journey is calm and peaceful… extremely enjoyable…” – The House of Seven Tails
“I knew I was going to love this story from the opening paragraph. As Rosy drew me in to Catherine’s new life, meeting neighbors and contending with life in a harsh and rural land, I was reminded of Maeve Binchy’s writing. She does the same thing – pulls you in and makes you part of their life without knocking you over the head with it… There are no huge, dramatic moments or plot twists. There is simply the beauty of the countryside, the lovely details of Catherine’s new life, and writing so descriptive I could taste the food they ate and smell the trees. I found myself devouring chapters of this novel every day, and only stopping because I knew I had to sleep.” – Moonlight and Roses
“The Tapestry of Love is a novel about family, friendship, and new beginnings… This was a warm comfortable book, kind of like visiting with a close friend for a few days, and catching up with what has happened in her life for the last few years… I was drawn right into the story.” – My Reading Corner
“Every place Catherine goes becomes familiar to the reader. Her walks in the woods, the village, the house she visits. I don’t know when I’ve read a book in which I felt so at home because I could really ‘see’ where I was… I could go on and on praising this truly wonderful book. It gave me one of the most enjoyable reading times I’ve ever had. I loved it.” – Letters From a Hill Farm
“Beautiful, heart warming, and utterly charming… Through use of exquisite detail, Thornton not only describes the mountains, the countryside, the beautiful tapestries, but also the intricate nature of human beings. I adored Catherine and found strength from her character. I would not hesitate to recommend The Tapestry of Love to any reader and think it would make a fabulous book discussion group pick.” – Rundpinne
“Sometimes what you need from books is a warm hug. That was what I needed last week, and that’s just what I found in The Tapestry of Love… A simple story made rich as Catherine grows to love her surroundings, her rural lifestyle, her craft, all quite beautifully described. So many wonderful pictures of people, food, landscapes brought Catherine’s world to life. A story made rich too because there is a very real understanding, and a very real acceptance of what life brings. That sounds so simple, but it’s rarer than it should be. Catherine is… a mother, a sister, a daughter… Those relationships are clearly and beautifully portrayed… I believed in these people, and I cared about them. A very real warmth, a very real understanding, a very real humanity…” – Fleur Fisher in her World
“This is a beautiful novel about family, friendship, love and new beginnings… Filled with beautiful writing and descriptions, The Tapestry of Love is a book to be savored.” – Always With a Book
“I loved this… contemporary women’s literature at its best… I recommend it highly. ” – LindyLouMac’s Book Reviews
“Falling into this story was as easy as pie… Catherine is so unapologetically herself and the rest of the characters are so exquisitely fraught with shades of grey. No villains. No angels. Just life in all its messy glory. And the beautiful, beautiful French countryside, French food, and Catherine’s careful hands and rainbow of threads binding it all together… This is a quiet book and, like Patrick (and Catherine, for that matter), it is not given to effusion. But also like those two characters, it is wonderfully mature, full of hidden depths and shades of beauty. The Tapestry of Love is a book I could easily hand anyone, knowing they will likely fall for its simple, eloquent charms just as I did.” – Angieville
“I very much enjoyed The Tapestry of Love, a soothing, touching story about fresh starts and finding one’s place in a close-knit community… The evocative description of the Cévennes made me want to visit the mountains for a breath of fresh air. This is not a rollicking rollercoaster of a romantic novel, more a gentle exploration of one woman’s quest to start anew. Genial and peaceful a read as it was, it was still a page turner; I eagerly read to the end late into the night. This was the first Rosy Thornton novel I’ve read, I look forward to reading more from her in the future.” – I Can Read Good
“This is a novel not to be hurried. There is so much detail to be absorbed about the landscape of the mountains, the forces of the weather, the beauty of the nature, the tastes and traditions of France. These are all captured beautifully… I loved this novel from page one… Rosy Thornton’s detailed description gives such a vivid picture and is very informative and the story had a satisfying ending. I will be seeking out Rosy’s other novels. 5 out of 5 for me!” – Dizzy C’s Little Book Blog
“An enjoyable read. I loved the descriptions of the homes, landscape, and characters.” – Lit*Chick
“The Tapestry of love can only be described as a soulful and descriptive journey… I was able to clearly envision the town, mountain landscape, characters… The title would be a great rainy day read…” – A Cozy Reader’s Corner
“What’s not to like about The Tapestry of Love? … Along with Thornton’s Hearts and Minds, it now numbers among the little cluster of books I think of as my ‘comfort reading,’ books that I reread when I want to wander mentally away from home without feeling adrift, to be distracted without being distraught or dismayed–books, too, that always bring me home again, quietly, rather than leaving me staring wistfully over the horizon. I am sure I will reread The Tapestry of Love more than once in the years to come. Like Anne Tyler (whose Ladder of Years is a longstanding comfort read), Thornton has an astute sense of character–of what makes people distinctly themselves–but also of relationships and how they challenge (or, more rarely, reinforce) that individualism. The story of Tapestry of Love is simple enough… Filling in this simple outline are details and anecdotes–sometimes humorous, sometimes poignant–about life in this rural community, told in prose that is precise, evocative, and unsentimental.” – Novel Readings
“Deeply woven through this tale are the traditions, places and spaces that make the Cévennes what it is–beautiful, variegated, a little rough, and seemingly timeless. There is the twice annual ritual of transhumance, there is the history of the silkworm and silk production… but the book is also rich in local, earthy detail. The Tapestry of Love is filled with delicate, discerning observation, and it won me over.” – La Vie Cévenole
“The Tapestry of Love is a beautiful story… Rosy Thornton paints the scene so beautifully that you almost feel like you’re there with the main character, Catherine, sitting on her cottage doorstep… A well written and enjoyable read.”– The Slowest Bookworm
“This is one of the best contemporary women’s fiction I have read… The setting comes alive in front of your eyes… The Tapestry of Love is a sweet and simple book about a woman finding love, living her life to the fullest, developing friendships and daring to live in her own terms. In the end, I had a dopey smile on my face and a warm gushy feeling inside… loved every moment of reading it! … Highly recommended to people who appreciate great writing and characters to whom you will warm to immediately.” – My Love Affair With Books
“This novel… is like one of the wonderful French casseroles it describes, full of unexpected ingredients that end up better in combination than I could ever have hoped.” – Necromancy Never Pays
“I really enjoyed reading it and didn’t want to rush getting to the final page, savouring all the descriptions of the French countryside and towns, but, as the saying goes ‘all good things must come to an end’ and now I feel slightly bereft…. This is a gentle, thoughtful book and just as Catherine sews her tapestries the author weaves around her the story of the rural community, the density of French bureaucracy, her feelings for her intriguing neighbour Patrick and her connections to her own family at home. The threads of life, love and loss, of friendship and of family commitment intertwine within the glorious landscape and fascinating community around Les Fenils.” – Corners of My Mind
“This book is about the little things of every day life… I just loved how she has portrayed a spectrum of relationships in various lights and shades… Take this book, lie down and immerse yourself in reading it and let the magic of the book work on you. One of the best contemporary women literature of modern time.”– Pages
“This is a wildly gentle book, which may seem like a contradiction, but isn’t. The wildness of the French mountains is the backdrop for a gentle story… The Tapestry of Love had me longing to drop everything, escape my life, and move to the Cévennes. I wanted to sit down in the Bouschets’ kitchen and have a tisane. I wanted to taste Patrick’s homemade wine, drizzle my toast with honey from my very own bees, and create beautiful tapestries that depict my surroundings. This is the perfect book to curl up with in these last days of winter. I’m convinced you will love Catherine’s story – and her new home – as much as I did.” – Books and Movies
“Startlingly accurate… I absolutely adored the descriptions of the local area, the mountains, woods and valleys… It’s a terrific read… atmospheric with one of the best senses of place I’ve ever come across.” – Read_Warbler
“This is a very sweet book. The descriptions of the food, wine, and scenery make me want to visit the French countryside now… There are no complicated plots in this book. It’s just about a woman trying to navigate the second half of her life, which is something a lot of people can relate to.” – As I Turn the Pages
“I devoured this novel… in a single day. I was mesmerised… Thornton’s character development is… subtle and unassuming, allowing one to get to know the many characters of the little mountain hamlet of La Grelaudière at the same pace as our protagonist does… There is a touch of Joanne Harris’ Chocolat about this novel – the parallel intended as high praise. Reading The Tapestry of Love was a supremely relaxing experience, the prose so smooth and easy to take in and the story heartwarming. I felt like I had just come back from a holiday in the French countryside myself after reaching the final page… I will definitely be adding Rosy Thornton’s back catalogue to my wishlist.” – Booklover Book Reviews
“The characters are interesting and well-drawn… I enjoyed the slow pace of the novel as Catherine adjusts to the demands of a new culture and setting. The descriptions are lovely, and I could easily imagine the beauties and difficulties of her new way of life… Visually appealing with some good characters in the Bouschets, the novel offers a peaceful interlude.” – A Garden Carried in the Pocket
“I really enjoyed reading The Tapestry of Love. I especially liked the way the author described how Catherine little by little found her place in the little community she has chosen as her home and how her relationships with her neighbours developed. And Thornton’s writing is simply charming… luscious, and sensual, and beautiful. I like a good plot, and The Tapestry of Love has one, but I love beautiful writing, and there is plenty of that in the book. This was the first Thornton novel I read. It will most certainly not be the last.” – A Book Blog of One’s Own
“The lovely novel The Tapestry of Love, by Rosy Thornton… sparks my travel desires…. This is a quiet but engaging novel. The plot develops gently, as if reflecting the slower pace of life and friendships in the French countryside… Thornton’s wonderfully sensory descriptions of the landscape, the towns, the houses and farms, and the food are extremely appealing, as are the way she weaves local traditions into the plot and character development. There are some very poignant moments… All in all, The Tapestry of Love was a very enjoyable and transporting read, definitely recommended for anyone who would enjoy spending a quiet afternoon dreaming of the French countryside.” – Books, Personally
“This is the perfect book to just take your time and savor the words… take your time, make a cup of tea and immerse yourself in this story!” – Life in the Thumb
“Starting from the beautiful front cover picture and continuing through to the end of the 400 pages, The Tapestry of Love is a joy to read. This is a story of discovery and hope and new beginnings… The characters are so well-drawn, the descriptions of the countryside, the mountains, the weather are wonderful – you really are transported right into the heart of the community… This is a really satisfying read, it’s a love story but not just between the characters, it’s also the story of how Catherine fell in love with the French way of life, the food, the countryside and the people in the village.” – Random Things Through My Letterbox
“I really enjoyed this book. I loved the evocative rhythms of life in the mountains, the slowing of everything down to the movements of the days and seasons in the Cévennes. It was like a rural retreat for my soul, too… It really is a lovely novel.” – You Can Never Have Too Many Books
“Thornton’s writing is splendid. It’s poetic and expressive without calling undue attention to itself. It was a joy to read the words themselves, but the best part of the book for me was the character development. Catherine and her English family and French neighbors constitute a cast that I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know. I wanted to spend more time with each of them. The Tapestry of Love is a rare, unhurried, character-driven work to curl up with for a leisurely read in any kind of weather… Tapestry is sweet and subtle, and I didn’t want it to end. I’ll definitely be checking out more works by Rosy Thornton.” – The Bluestocking Society
“Oh my gosh – the scenery, the beautiful scenery! I loved every description of this historic French location, from the never ending rain to the families of wildlife. Reading this novel drove my inner travel obsession and had me dreaming of tiny cottages at the top of a long, dangerous, windy road. Sigh. The location wasn’t the only aspect of this story that kept my interest. The characters were intriguing and realistic… The plot is punctuated with Catherine’s family members and their various eccentricities. Each added a level to Catherine’s personality, providing such a great story. If you like romantic plot lines, with a few drama filled moments, combined with an amazing location – this book is for you!” – Life is Short: Read Fast
“So many have already written some fantastic reviews about this book, that I fear many of the superlative adjectives have been expressed more than once… Right from the start, there is a feeling of the author’s warmth and empathy, towards both her characters and their environment. All the characters are alive and believable, evolving and establishing themselves, throughout the length of the story, as relationships are formed and changed. Brilliantly descriptive passages about the remote and often difficult mountainous conditions, that still allow the beauty and majesty of the scenery to shine through. The sense of community and co-operation that exists in such an insular society, where neighbors are just that, through a small kindness or spontaneous act of friendship, and ties, once made, are strong and permanent. The plot is relatively simple, yet the romance is so beautifully developed and so moving, in no way rushed… All these attributes, taken together, add up to a relaxing, warm and inviting love story, both between Catherine and Patrick and between Catherine and her new found self and sense of inner peace… This is a well structured journey through the first year of Catherine’s new life, with all its changing seasons. The uncertainties of change, the sadness and loss of saying a final goodbye to a loved one, turning her back on all that is familiar and safe, and the slow awakening of a passion and romance such as she could never have imagined.” – Fiction Books
“This book is subtle, wonderfully descriptive and relaxing.” – Sam Still Reading
“What a delightful, gentle, lovely book! Mountain views and wonderful scenes described so beautifully you could have almost reached out and touched them. Colours and fragrances portrayed so vividly, you could see and smell them. The pure escapism that The Tapestry of Love provided me with, had me wanting to pack my bags, and run away to a secluded French village, in the middle of nowhere and dodge the fast pace of English working life, to set up and cultivate my own fruit and veg and be all creative! This is the first Rosy Thornton novel I’d had the pleasure of. I shall certainly look forward to reading more from her… A wonderfully charming book.” – Kim the Book Worm
“The Tapestry of Love is a quiet novel of lyrical prose and vivid imagery… Thornton’s descriptions of Catherine’s environment are stunningly eloquent extolling its charm and beauty. It is easy to imagine the picturesque views, the family of boar cavorting in the woods and the comforting curl of smoke from the chimney, all of which are sure to evoke daydreams of escape to such serenity… The Tapestry of Love is a graceful and warm novel of subtle emotion and gorgeous landscape. What may well be an oasis in the frantic pace of everyday life, the book’s vibrant prose will capture your imagination.” – Book’d Out
“If I were to pick a single word to encompass my review of Rosy Thornton’s book The Tapestry of Love, that word would be: beautiful… The Tapestry of Love was a wonderful novel. Rosy Thornton brings the people and countryside of the Cévennes National Park to light in stunning detail. Catherine Parkstone was a character written with a degree of realism that had her climbing off the pages. She was fully drawn and fully endearing; and the equally complex supporting characters came to life interacting with her… From start to finish it was a lovely work that left me longing for a bit of rural escape… I will definitely be led to check out more of Thornton’s work. ” – Her Book Self
“This is the kind of novel you want to read in summer, lounging in the garden… or on a cold day in front of an open fire. Every page takes you one step further into the beautiful Cévennes region, and into the lives of the people who’ve grown up there. What I loved most about ‘The Tapestry of Love’ is the romantic realism that oozes from the pages. Rosy writes with a gentle touch, with wisdom and a mature, assuaged acceptance of the ups and downs of everyday life. She takes an honest approach to human relationships and emotion, showing joy as well as pain, love as well as loss, without overdramatising. In my blog as in life, I look for sparkles of ‘life, love and authenticity’, and I can assure you I found plenty of each in The Tapestry of Love.” – The Woman Condition
“The plot is brilliant in it’s simplicity. It’s simply a tale of life. There is no mystery, there is no huge twist and there are no vampires, but it’s a compelling read… This book is just beautiful. I could have easily read another 300 pages without becoming bored. I will definitely be looking into Rosy Thornton’s previous works. Five stars.” – Blatant Biblioholic
“This was one of those lingering type of books. You know, the type of book that goes with the flow of life, just as we go through the flow of our lives… one of those stories that just can’t be rushed. It needed to take its time to develop, to coalesce into a blossoming future full of possibilities… A good read.” – Feeding My Book Addiction
“After reading this book, I’m dreaming of sitting on a hill overlooking a sheep pasture, breathing in the mountain air… If you are looking for a book that has the ability to take you to gorgeous place with warm characters, pick this book up!” – A Bookish Affair
“a lovely, quiet book that transports you to a simple, beautiful life in French Countryside. The imagery is just beautiful… I was… drawn to the romantic view of the neighbors (and Catherine herself), loving their land, town and way of life.” – Sarah Reads Too Much
“This was such a calming book for me to read. I enjoyed reading about the mountains of France, the descriptions of the people and landscape, the food and how one creates a tapestry. This is a story of finding oneself and learning to love and accept yourself and the people around you. Also, it spoke to me as a reminder to slow down. Enjoy your family. Enjoy the small things in life. Be calm.” – Dragonflowers and Books
“I absolutely love when it feels like a book has transported you into a whole new world just with the words. Rosy Thornton sets the mood, the atmosphere within the first pages of The Tapestry of Love. I am amazed at how easily I was pulled into the story and the new adventure of Catherine… It was truly a joy to read and get lost in for awhile.” – Mari Reads
“Equal parts romance and travelogue, Thornton tells her story with a warm, engaging voice. Not long into the book began thinking: I really love this story, especially the main character, the French farmers and villagers and their way of life.” – Summit Musings
“a delightful read…What I really liked about this novel was that it felt very much like real life – no huge drama but a lot of little choices, tough decisions, growing relationships… It was such a charming, touching book. I haven’t read one like it in quite some time… I’d like to read more by this author.” – DogEar Diary
“I enjoyed experiencing the discovery of a new place and new people… Although I’m not too familiar with the French countryside, reading this book felt like I was there.” – Fingers and Prose
“I love books that chronicle the minutiae of life and don’t need to employ flashy catastrophes to keep readers interested. Throughout the novel Catherine sorts through the same type of difficulties that we all must face: bureaucracy, rain, death, and some complications in love. We also see Catherine embracing life in this novel… I think that’s what charms me most about Catherine – she is always ready for new experiences and to learn about her home and community… If I had to choose one word to describe Thornton’s novel, it would be “beauty.” She infuses beauty into the language, the scenery, and the souls of the characters… Thornton is a talented writer. She builds beautiful sentences that capture the essence of Catherine’s experiences. Don’t pick up this book for a dramatic plot with a sweeping story arc. Read it for its quiet beauty and masterful use of language.” – Read Handed
“The Tapestry of Love is a very character-driven novel, and ultimately, a portrait of an outsider trying to find her place within such a tight-knit community, while coming to terms with the life she left behind. Rosy Thornton does an excellent job creating a strong sense of place within the Cévennes mountains. She lavishly paints the scenery with her words, and manages to capture the wild beauty of a rural pastoral village and its people. I often felt as if I were sitting on the terrace of Les Fenils enjoying the awesome quietude… The characters are what helped the story succeed. Most were complex with a depth to them that was slowly revealed over the course of the novel, instead of being quickly described with long bouts of expository writing. Catherine is one of the stronger, well-rounded female protagonists I’ve read recently. She’s not the typical damsel in distress, and is very multifaceted. Along with being extremely brave for completely uprooting herself, she is very honest, caring, and hardworking. She quickly rises to the challenge of establishing herself in the small community without being forceful or obnoxious… This isn’t… a book to be rushed, but should be savored and really appreciated. ” – Literature and a Lens
“I enjoyed the book… I felt the main character… overcame many obstacles in her quest for independence but also broadened her views on life and love… I felt the character continued to grow throughout the novel and encouraged me to think about my own life and would I make some of the same choices…” – Storeybook Reviews
“This is a charming, heartwarming read. I enjoyed my little escape to France and would highly recommend this book. It would make a nice summer read!” – The Crazy Life of a Bookaholic Mom
“sweet and charming” – Amused by Books
“This book really takes you on Catherine’s journey… It is a deeply written novel that… makes you want to take in every word and you really feel like you are there with Catherine and can easily imagine the scenes in the book. I have not read any of Rosy Thornton’s books but after reading The Tapestry of Love I will be adding more of her books to my collection.” – Books4U
“Rosy has written a really beautiful gentle story where you really feel that you are in this remote part of France. She describes the house, people and surroundings with such eloquence that makes them come to life. Chapter by chapter you learn a little bit more about each character and what makes them who they are… Thoughtfully written with unexpected elements of humour but also deep sorrow and emotion. A lovely read.” – Lou Graham’s blog
“Rosy Thornton has created a wonderful book, with such a rich description of the surroundings, the seasons and weather that you actually can hear the heavy rain as it resonates all the way round the valley that Catherine is in… Rosy has brought to life a landscape from the page with words but also with her descriptions of the tapestries which I can actually feel from the descriptions of colours and silks… The book is gently paced and has you turning the page to see what happens but also to just enjoy the experience along with Catherine in her new community… I had to keep reading until I knew everything was going to be alright. If you pick up this book you will want to know as well.” – The Book Jotter
“a perfect late summer read… There is a balance that makes the whole thing deeply satisfying.” – Desperate Reader
“The Tapestry of Love was a beautiful read, with wonderful characters and a setting that truly came alive.” – I’m Booking It
“This book must be read for its glorious writing, endearing characters, and beautiful setting.” – The Reading Reviewer
“The author is skilled at describing everything without it feeling like you are reading reading descriptions of everything… The setting was completely gorgeous and won me over. I read this because I really wanted to read something by Thornton because she is so highly praised – and now I know why. She’s that good.” – Care’s Online Book Club
“truly satisfying” – The Sleepless Reader
“If you are seeking a quiet novel full of rural charm… look no further. It has all the idyllic foreignness and that woman-on-her-own feel of Frances Mayes’ well-known ‘Under the Tuscan Sun’…. I liked Catherine very much… Her family and neighbors took on lives and personalities of their own, so that by the novel’s end, Catherine existed within a good-sized matrix of very real and endearing supporting characters. Thornton’s writing is lovely, well-suited to the sort of book she has written. She has a knack for describing a place so that you can see it in your mind’s eye… I liked how she spent so much time on the small things in daily life, allowing the few bigger events to occur in their own space rather than layering them for dramatic effect. Catherine’s progression throughout the novel felt real because of it.” – Erin Reads
“A slow, quiet, beautifully-written book with a touch of romance, some very poignant moments, plenty of humorous and touchingly realistic moments… and a perfectly wrapped-up, satisfying ending… Recommended for those in a mood to savor carefully-crafted writing, heavy on the senses.” – Bookfoolery and Babble
“A quality novel… The novel is written in an easy and comfortable style… but… there’s a little more here, and although I appreciate the sense of a simple heartwarming story, it was the bits of complexity that surface which made The Tapestry of Love an enjoyable read for me… There’s… enough to make a reader who is more accustomed to reading literary fiction comfortable… I think the vocabulary was one of the subtle elements of the prose style that made it possible to enjoy this alongside the other books in my stack that week (including Margaret Atwood, Marina Endicott, and Alice Walker)… An investment in the characters…, a beautiful setting that reflects the novel’s theme (I especially love the market scenes), and a satisfying narrative arc: The Tapestry of Love would make a fine addition to your bedside table.” – Buried in Print
“Light-hearted, undemanding, and gentle, this tale of new beginnings, new friendships and a handful of love thrown in for good measure, is just the ticket for a rainy afternoon spent snuggled on the sofa with a glass of wine, or a mug of hot chocolate – take your pick.” – Read Read Read
“Rosy Thornton’s deliberate layering of setting and character create a languid story that is as French in its meandering as it is in its set location. Do not let this description fool you however; The Tapestry of Love is a powerful story of reawakening and a coming-of-age story for the over-forty crowd… Reminiscent of stories by authors like D. H. Lawrence or Thomas Hardy, the setting is as much a character as Catherine or Patrick is… Ms. Thornton captures the ambiance and flavor of Cévennes with her lush descriptions and painstaking detail. In fact, she builds the setting color by color, just like Catherine builds her tapestries. The tie-in is brilliant and effective.
The Tapestry of Love is a simple and beautiful story… Completely the opposite of today’s more popular conspiracy thrillers or sappy romantic tragedies, it is one of those novels that all but requires a cuppa while reading. More importantly, it is meant to be savored slowly, read while enjoying a quiet afternoon or two; pauses for daydreams or naps while reading are completely allowed. The Tapestry of Love provides a great relaxing escape from the mundaneness of everyday life.” – That’s What She Read
“Much more than strictly a romance novel, The Tapestry of Love is a story that most woman of a certain age can relate to…. a love story to finding yourself… Rosy Thornton teaches law at the University of Cambridge but this lady knows how to write a beautiful story. The tapestries that Catherine creates, the Cévennes mountain countryside, an intimate country life – Thornton makes them all as important to the story as the romantic love” – Lit and Life
“This really is such a beautifully written book: the type that transports you into it, and leaves you a little bewildered at coming back to reality when you close it. It’s both enjoyable and uplifting.” – Bookworm Ink
“Rosy Thornton delivers a lovely story of family, new lives made and more set in the lush background of the France countryside. Catherine is a wonderful character. Full of life and determination, the author gives the reader a heroine who is strong, intelligent and determined to change her life. The writing is lyrical and delightful, the background scenes of French countryside and beyond is very vivid. This is an author who knows how to create and tell a story very well. The author does a wonderful job in creating a meaningful story from everyday life… Ms. Thornton writes a charming story of a woman who is both compelling and captivating… With an intimate way of storytelling, this author delivers more than a typical ‘women leaves-changes life’ kind of story… The reader is treated to a world that is… lush and full of secrets… I enjoyed this latest book by a new to me author and I look forward to seeing what else this author has in store for her readers.” – Love Romance & More
“a… gentle and enjoyable novel… The writing is excellent, a cut above the majority of modern books, and somehow the pace is exactly right… It was a delightful book, and one that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys women’s fiction.” – Sue’s Book Reviews
February 26, 2011 @ 3:35 pm
Hi Rosy, I’ve just read Tapestry of Love and I have to tell what an excellent read I found it. So good to have a grown up read!! Thank you, Valerie
July 25, 2011 @ 1:18 pm
Hi Rosy Thanks so much for such a good read. I am a widow aged 43, your great book has helped me realise that my life isn’t over. Thanks again, Julie
August 9, 2011 @ 12:56 pm
Thoughtfully written with unexpected elements of humour but also deep sorrow and emotion. A lovely read. Thank you Rosy for introducing me to this novel.
July 7, 2012 @ 1:27 pm
Hello Rosy. I adore The Tapestry of Love. I have read it over and over. Are you planning a follow up? I so hope you are, you are a rare find indeed.
For me, your book is a wonderfully evocative, superbly descriptive and has a real intelligence.
Thank you for beautiful book. xx
August 2, 2012 @ 2:57 pm
Hiya I have just read Ninepins and what a down to earth real insight of bringing up a daughter on your own the situations are so true Thanks